Snowy Egret returns to roost in the evening at Aquatic Park, 2021, Margot Bezrutczyk
avian ecology and behavior
Outside of my position as a plant biologist, I've found meaningful work studying bird ecology and behavior:
I'm a raptor bander with the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, where I catch and band raptors, and gather data on these birds critical for avian conservation efforts.
I've co-founded Bird Curious, a birding club for beginner birders in the SF Bay Area. We host several meetups each month. Join us and find us on IG.
I've worked with the Earth Species Project to analyze and label crow behavior datasets, towards the goal of translating Carrion Crow vocalizations.
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
Raptor Banding: Summer 2022-present
Golden Gate Bird Alliance
Co-founded Bird Curious 2024
Master Birder Certification 2022
Lake Merritt Birding Docent: Winter 2021
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
California Gull colony surveys: Summer 2022
Least Tern colony monitoring: Spring 2022
Waterbird monitoring: Spring-Summer 2022
Winter shorebird surveys: Winter 2021
Broad Winged Hawk, 2022, Margot Bezrutczyk. Bird handled with proper permits for scientific research with GGRO.
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