Snowy Egret returns to roost in the evening at Aquatic Park, 2021, Margot Bezrutczyk

avian conservation volunteer work

Outside of my position as a plant biologist, I've found meaningful work monitoring endangered and flourishing species of birds in the Bay Area.

I'm a raptor bander with the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, where I catch and band raptors, and gather data on these birds critical for avian conservation efforts. I'm interested in applying my molecular biology skills in genetics to migration ecology. 

I've also participated in the colonial nesting waterbird project, the Least Tern monitoring project, gull colony surveys, and shorebird monitoring project with the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory. I monitored a colony of Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets from the start of their mating season in February until most of the young had fledged and left the colony in August, as well as a colony of nesting Least Terns over the course of the summer of 2022. 

Golden Gate Raptor Observatory

Golden Gate Bird Alliance

San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory

Broad Winged Hawk, Margot Bezrutczyk 2022. Bird handled with proper permits for scientific research with GGRO.

Broad Winged Hawk, 2022, Margot Bezrutczyk. Bird handled with proper permits for scientific research with GGRO.

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